Benjamin Roshan Abraham, MD $$

Hospital Medicine Specialist

Languages Spoken:


Education and Training

Medical School
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center (2015)
University of Miami - Jackson Memorial Hospital (2019), Pediatrics
Washington University School of Medicine (2021), Pediatric Hospital Medicine

Departments and Programs

  • Research Interests

    • Qualitative Study on Communication between Providers from Families of Hospitalized Children with Medical Complexity
    • Meds to Bed: A Patient-Centered Intervention to Improve the Process of Delivery of Discharge Prescriptions
  • Publications

    • Katz DT, Fernandez-Sanchez JV, Loeffler LA, Chang SM, Puertolas-Lopez MV, Ramdial FR, Fisher GR, Gutierrez SA, Mahajan N, Keerthy DR, Cavallaro SP, Landaeta CE, Pascall AS, Acevedo KT, Chan-Poon KT, Abraham BR, Siri M, Reynolds KL, Van Kirk K, Bayes Santos LY. Timely Delivery of Discharge Medications to Patients' Bedsides: A Patient-centered Quality Improvement Project. Pediatr Qual Saf. 2020 May 8; 5(3):e297.
    • Abraham BR, Chiles JC. A Diagnosis Un-"sealed". Pediatric Hospital Medicine 2020 Virtual Conference Clinical Conundrums. 2020.
  • Awards and Honors

    • Medical Student Teaching Award- Pediatrics Clerkship, Washington Univ. SOM

Where I Provide Care: