Caudal regression syndrome (CRS)
Caudal regression syndrome (cau·dal - re·gres·sion - syn·drome) or CRS is a congenital disorder that causes the underdevelopment of caudal (lower) half of a child’s body.
What is caudal regression syndrome (CRS)?
Caudal regression syndrome is a rare congenital (present at birth) condition in which a child’s development in the lower (caudal) half of the body is impaired. This syndrome can impact the development of the lower back and limbs, the reproductive system and the gastrointestinal tract. The effects of this syndrome can range from mild to severe.
Risk factors
Babies whose mother has diabetes are at a higher risk of developing the condition.
What are the signs and symptoms of caudal regression syndrome (CRS)?
Abnormalities of the kidneys, including the absence of one kidney (renal agenesis) or being located in the wrong area (misplaced kidney or ectopic kidney)
Abnormalities of the spine
Cleft lip or cleft palate (holes or spaces in lips or roof of mouth)
Clubfoot (twisted foot or feet at birth) or webbed skin on the back of the knees
Failure of the bladder to completely empty (neurogenic bladder)
Increased urinary frequency
Indentation on the skin of the lower back (sacral dimple)
Ineffective bladder and bowel control
Narrowing of the hips
Reduced muscle mass in the legs
Underdeveloped, flattened muscles of the buttocks
What are the causes of caudal regression syndrome (CRS)?
Genetic or environmental factors can cause caudal regression.
Caudal regression syndrome (CRS) doctors and providers
- Craig Peters, MDPediatric Urologist
- Alexandra Carolan, MDPediatric Urologist
- David Ewalt, MDPediatric Urologist
- Micah Jacobs, MDPediatric Urologist
- Bruce Schlomer, MDPediatric Urologist
- Irina Stanasel, MDPediatric Urologist