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Cerebral Palsy in Children

The experts at Children’s Health are known throughout the world for their ability to help children like yours with pediatric cerebral palsy. Our team provides the most advanced care, therapies and procedures for children with cerebral palsy in our region. And your child will have access to all the different specialists they may need right here, under one roof.

What is Pediatric Cerebral Palsy?

Cerebral palsy in children is due to a problem with the brain that causes trouble with movement, muscle tone and posture. It is a lifelong condition that does not go away. The brain problem itself won’t change or get worse over time. However, your child’s symptoms may change over time.

Cerebral palsy (also called CP) is the most common motor disability in childhood. It can be caused by a problem with the way a baby’s brain developed, or by an injury to the brain before, during or shortly after a baby is born (this is called the perinatal period). It is often diagnosed between ages 1 and 2, when delays with motor function become more obvious.

About 3 in 1,000 children in the U.S. are diagnosed with CP. Many of them have mild symptoms and participate in typical activities even though they have pediatric cerebral palsy. Others are more severely affected.

Static encephalopathy is another term you may hear to describe pediatric cerebral palsy. Static means the condition is unchanging. Encephalopathy refers to a problem with the way the brain functions.

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