Pediatric femoral anteversion
Femoral anteversion (fem·o·ral - an·te·ver·sion) is an inward rotation of the femur (thigh bone), which causes a child’s knees and feet to turn inward.
What is pediatric femoral anteversion?
Femoral anteversion happens when the femur (thigh bone) rotates inward, causing the knees and feet to turn inward. A child with femoral anteversion may be referred to as “bow legged” or “pigeon toed.” It is the most common cause of children walking with toes pointed inward.
The first sign of femoral anteversion is usually seen when a child learns to walk. The inward rotation of the femur causes the child to walk with toes pointed inward. They may also easily lose balance, especially if they attempt to walk with toes outward. Inward rotation of the femur usually increases around age 3 and is most noticeable at age 5 or 6.
What are the signs and symptoms of pediatric femoral anteversion?
Signs a child may have femoral anteversion include:
Inability to walk with feet close together or legs straight
Losing balance often while walking
Running with legs swinging outward
Sitting in a “W” position
Walking with toes pointed inward
What are the causes of pediatric femoral anteversion?
Femoral anteversion is caused by a baby’s position in the uterus, which can lead to stiff hip muscles after birth.