Fax: 214-456-8881
Fax: 469-303-4520
Request an Appointment with codes: Plastics and Craniofacial Surgery
The pediatric hand specialists at Children’s Health℠ are experts in treating congenital hand differences, including all types of polydactyly (poly·dac·ty·ly). From birth through treatment, they will guide you through the diagnosis, recommendations, and treatment plan that will provide your child with the best function for their hand.
Fax: 214-456-8881
Fax: 469-303-4520
Request an Appointment with codes: Plastics and Craniofacial Surgery
Polydactyly is the presence of an extra finger. This can range from a small bump to a completely formed extra finger.
There are three main types of polydactyly.
A complete exam of the hand will be performed by our qualified hand doctors. During your first visit to our clinic, we will take an X-ray of your child’s hand to evaluate the extra digit. We will then develop a customized treatment plan.
In the first trimester of gestation, as a baby is developing, the hands start out as paddles which then separate into five fingers. Polydactyly occurs when there is an error in this process. A specific cause cannot be identified in most cases. Occasionally, polydactyly can be attributed to a genetic abnormality or a hereditary syndrome.
Treatment may include observation, clipping or removal during surgery.