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Pediatric Polyneuropathy Cognitive Disorders

Children’s Health has nationally recognized specialists who work together to diagnose and manage polyneuropathy cognitive disorders. Your care team will also work together closely to help support your child at home, school and in all other areas of their life.

What are Pediatric Polyneuropathy Cognitive Disorders?

Polyneuropathy cognitive disorders are conditions where children have muscle disorders and learning or thinking disorders. This most often occurs in children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, congenital myotonic dystrophy or Friedreich’s ataxia.

A child with polyneuropathy cognitive disorders may develop differently than other children their age. They may not be able to keep up physically with other toddlers. They also may not be developing language skills or social skills in the same way.

These children may face a range of cognitive challenges, including autism, attention deficits or learning disabilities.

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