Pediatric post airway reconstructive hoarseness
Post airway reconstructive hoarseness occurs after a child undergoes surgery to repair the airway. Hoarseness can also occur after a child is intubated (when a breathing tube is placed inside the throat) during surgery or for an extended period.
What is pediatric post airway reconstructive hoarseness?
Certain conditions require surgery to a child’s airway.
The airway is comprised of the:
pharynx (where the nose and mouth meet to connect them to the esophagus)
larynx (voice box)
trachea (cartilage tubes that go from the larynx to the bronchi).
After surgery, the child may develop a hoarse voice.
What are the signs and symptoms of pediatric post airway reconstructive hoarseness?
The main symptom of post airway reconstructive hoarseness is a hoarse (harsh, raspy or strained) voice. Pos-operative airway stenting can also cause temporary or long-term changes in voice depending on the location of the stent and the duration that it remains in place.
What are the causes of pediatric post airway reconstructive hoarseness?
Surgeries that could lead to post airway reconstructive hoarseness include:
Thyroid surgery – surgery on the thyroid, a hormone producing gland located near the larynx
Laryngoplasty – surgery to rebuild vocal cords
Laryngotracheal reconstruction (LTR) – surgery to widen the windpipe or trachea so a child can breathe easier
Cricotracheal resection – reconstruction surgery that removes a narrowed portion of the airway and reconnects it
Cervical tracheoplasty – surgery to widen the trachea
Tracheal resection – surgery to repair a narrow trachea
Cricoid split – surgery that enlarges part of the airway
Postoperative airway stenting – placing a stent during surgery to keep the airway open while the patient heals
Pediatric post airway reconstructive hoarseness doctors and providers
- Romaine Johnson, MDPediatric Otolaryngologist (ENT)
- Stephen Chorney, MDPediatric Otolaryngologist (ENT)