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Pediatric Prune Belly Syndrome (Eagle-Barrett Syndrome)

Prune Belly syndrome causes partial or complete absence of the stomach muscles, undescended testes and/or urinary tract malformations.

What is Pediatric Prune Belly Syndrome (Eagle-Barrett Syndrome)?

Prune Belly syndrome – also known as Eagle-Barrett Syndrome – is a very rare, congenital (present at birth) disorder that causes a child’s stomach to have a wrinkled, prune-like appearance. This condition can cause a variety of complications, including:

  • Chronic renal (kidney) failure

  • Failure of both testes to descend into the scrotum (bilateral cryptorchidism)

  • Malformations of the urinary tract, including abnormal dilation (widening) of the ureters (tubes that drain urine from the kidneys to the bladder), pooling and/or backflow of urine in the ureters (hydroureter) and kidneys (hydronephrosis)

  • Partial or complete absence of the stomach (abdominal) muscles

  • Underdevelopment of the lungs (pulmonary hypoplasia)

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