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Pediatric Ventilator Dependency

Children with vent dependency need support from machines to breathe for all or part of the day. Our goal is to help these children experience the world outside the hospital. Our expert team will work closely with you to teach you how to care for your child’s complex health needs at home. With our ongoing support and care, your child can continue to be supported by a ventilator from the comfort of home and develop the skills they need in childhood and beyond.

What is Pediatric Ventilator Dependency?

A ventilator is a machine that pumps air into your child’s lungs. This air can contain extra oxygen if needed. The movement of air into and out of the lungs will also help remove carbon dioxide, which is the waste product of ventilation. A ventilator provides a steady, reliable supply of oxygen to your child.

Some children will need a ventilator to breathe as soon as they are born because they are born prematurely or have a heart or lung condition. Other children may need a ventilator due to neuromuscular conditions, like muscular dystrophy, that leave them too weak to take an adequate breath.

Many children are vent dependent temporarily. Their lungs will grow stronger, and they can stop using the ventilator. Some children will need a ventilator for their entire lives because their medical condition prevents them from getting stronger.

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