Pediatric abdominal tumors
Because children’s abdominal tumors are rare, they can be difficult to diagnose. At Children’s Health℠, our pediatric oncologists, pediatric surgeons and other specialists are experienced in diagnosing and treating abdominal tumors in kids of all ages.
What are pediatric abdominal tumors?
Abdominal tumors can form in several abdominal organs in infants, children and adolescents. When you suspect that your child has an abdominal mass, you’ll want to consult with experts in pediatric oncology and other sub-specialties.
What are the different types of pediatric abdominal tumors?
Some abdominal tumors are palpable and some cause pain. Others cause no pain or have symptoms that are like other conditions or benign tumors.
Typical abdominal tumors in kids include:
Neuroblastoma - The most common pediatric solid tumor occurring outside of the brain.
Hepatoblastoma - The most common liver tumor in infants and children.
Wilms tumor - The most common childhood tumor of the kidney.
Sarcoma - Tumors that can develop anywhere in a child's body where there is bone, connective tissue or muscle.
How are pediatric abdominal tumors diagnosed?
Pediatric abdominal tumors are identified through various imaging tools, such as computed tomography (CT) and ultrasonography.
How are pediatric abdominal tumors treated?
Some abdominal tumors require a biopsy to confirm diagnosis and others require complete removal of the tumor. Children may receive radiation therapy and chemotherapy.
Pediatric abdominal tumors doctors and providers
- AAAdam Alder, MDPediatric Surgeon
- Natasha Corbitt, MDPediatric Surgeon
- Diana Diesen, MDPediatric Surgeon
- Lauren Gillory, MDPediatric Surgeon
- Stephen Megison, MDPediatric Surgeon
- Joseph Murphy, MDPediatric Surgeon
- SPSamir Pandya, MDPediatric Surgeon
- Faisal Qureshi, MDPediatric Surgeon
- Mark Ryan, MDPediatric Surgeon