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Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis

This condition occurs when the immune system mistakenly targets neurons in the brain, causing inflammation (encephalitis).

Children’s Health sees more children with this type of encephalitis than almost any other medical center in the region. We have the expertise to diagnose your child as quickly as possible and deliver treatments that give them the best opportunity for a good outcome.

What is Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis?

In this form of encephalitis, the body makes antibodies that bind to proteins on the NMDA receptor. NMDA receptors are located on the outer surfaces of cells called neurons and are important to brain function.

This misdirected immune response causes inflammation and swelling in the brain (encephalitis). The NMDA receptors help neurons communicate. An immune response directed at these receptors can affect thinking, memory, mood, consciousness and breathing. These symptoms can be very serious and get worse over time.

This form of encephalitis affects about one in 1.5 million people. It affects females and males but is more common in females.

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