Pediatric encephalopathy (encephalitis)
Pediatric encephalopathy (en·ceph·a·lop·a·thy) or encephalitis (en·ceph·a·li·tis) is inflammation (swelling) of the brain, most often caused by a viral infection.
What is pediatric encephalopathy (encephalitis)?
Inflammation of the brain due to encephalitis can be caused by a viral or bacterial infection. In most cases, encephalitis only causes mild flu-like symptoms. In rare cases, however, encephalitis can be life threatening.
What are the different types of pediatric encephalopathy (encephalitis)?
There are two main types of encephalitis:
Primary encephalitis occurs when a virus or other agent directly infects the brain. The infection may be concentrated in one area or it could be widespread.
Secondary encephalitis occurs when a person’s immune system fails to react to an infection elsewhere in the body effectively. Instead of attacking the cells that have caused the infection, the immune system attacks healthy brain cells by mistake.
What are the signs and symptoms of encephalopathy (encephalitis)?
In most cases, babies and children with encephalitis experience mild, flu-like symptoms, including:
Aches in muscles or joints
Body stiffness
Bulging in the soft spots (fontanels) of the infant’s skull
Fatigue or weakness
Poor feeding or not waking up for a feeding
In more severe cases, babies and children with encephalitis experience these signs and symptoms:
Confusion, agitation or hallucinations
Loss of consciousness
Loss of sensation or paralysis in certain regions of the face or body
Muscle weakness
Problems with speech or hearing
Several other complications related to encephalitis can persist for months or even for the rest of a person’s life.
These complications include:
What are the causes of encephalopathy (encephalitis)?
Pediatric encephalopathy may be caused by several factors. In infants (birth to 1 year), it is usually a genetic condition involving high levels of glycine (amino acid) in the brain.
Other causes of encephalopathy include:
Bacterial meningitis
Epstein-Barr virus (the virus that causes mononucleosis, chicken pox and shingles)
Herpes simplex virus 1 and 2
Mosquito-borne viruses
Prion diseases (protein disorders)
Tick-borne viruses
Pediatric encephalopathy (encephalitis) doctors and providers
- Cynthia Wang, MDPediatric Neurologist