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Pediatric Bulimia Nervosa

Children with bulimia tend to eat large amounts of food at once (called “binge eating”) and then do something to avoid gaining weight, such as make themselves vomit. We help them develop healthy habits around food and self-image by addressing the personal, medical and social issues that drive their bulimia behavior.

What is Pediatric Bulimia Nervosa?

Bulimia is an eating disorder. Eating disorders are conditions where people have abnormal and unhealthy eating habits because they want to have a certain body type or appearance. Differences in a child’s brain affect their thoughts, urges and behaviors about food.

Bulimia leads people to have frequent episodes of binge eating followed by “purging” or attempting to stop gaining weight. Children often “purge” by making themselves vomit. They may also take laxatives to promote a bowel movement or do excessive amounts of exercise.

People of all different backgrounds, ethnicities, religions and cultures can experience bulimia. Bulimia is most common among teen girls and young women, but it affects boys and men too.

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