Pediatric hepatitis B
Pediatric hepatitis B (hep·a·ti·tis) is the most serious of the pediatric forms of hepatitis. It can be passed via blood or bodily fluids, like saliva, sweat or semen. Hepatitis B can cause advanced liver damage throughout a child’s life.
What is pediatric hepatitis B?
Pediatric hepatitis B is a virus that can cause a child’s liver tissue to swell and become inflamed. It can be passed by coming into contact with the blood or bodily fluids of an infected person.
What are the different types of pediatric hepatitis B?
Acute (recently infected) - Children with acute hepatitis B can potentially fight off the virus without lasting health problems; however, if the child doesn’t clear the virus after six months, it becomes chronic.
Chronic (the infection has lasted more than six months) - Children with chronic hepatitis B can be either lifetime carriers of the virus or continue living with their active infection.
What are the signs and symptoms of pediatric hepatitis B?
Children with hepatitis B can develop symptoms up to four months after they are infected with the virus. When the virus is present, your child is contagious.
Symptoms rarely appear in children under the age of 5. Children older than 5 with hepatitis B generally display very few symptoms.
The main symptoms seen with acute hepatitis B include:
Joint pain
Loss of appetite
Low-grade fever
Muscle pain
Urine that is dark in color
Children with chronic Hepatitis B – either as a carrier or as an active infection – rarely have symptoms.
What are the causes of pediatric hepatitis B?
Children with hepatitis B typically contract the virus from:
Mom – if the child’s mother has hepatitis B, it can be transferred to the infant during birth.
Blood, saliva or tears – gets into a child’s body via the eyes, mouth or broken skin after coming in contact with bodily fluids.
Needle puncture – if a child is punctured by a needle used by an infected person, they can become infected.
Personal items – using an infected person’s toothbrush or nail clippers can spread the virus.
Unprotected sex – those who have not been vaccinated for hepatitis B can get the virus from unprotected sex.
How is pediatric hepatitis B treated?
Hepatitis B can be prevented with a three-part vaccine typically administered at the hospital following the child’s birth, as well as during the child’s one month and six-month well-visit checkups.
Newborns with infected mothers will be given the hepatitis B vaccine and a dose of immunoglobulins (antibodies) within 12 hours of birth.
Pediatric hepatitis B doctors and providers
- AAAmal Aqul, MDPediatric Hepatologist
- LLLauren Lazar, MDPediatric Gastroenterologist
- MMMegha Mehta, MDPediatric Gastroenterologist
- CRCharina Ramirez, MDPediatric Gastroenterologist
- NRNorberto Rodriguez-Baez, MDPediatric Hepatologist
- IRIsabel Rojas Santamaria, MDPediatric Gastroenterologist
- Phuong Luu, PA-CPhysician Assistant - Gastroenterology
- JPJennifer Peacock, APRN, PNP-PCNurse Practitioner - Gastroenterology
- Shabina Walji-Virani, APRN, PNP-PCNurse Practitioner - Gastroenterology