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Pediatric Pancreatic Insufficiency

As a designated National Pancreas Foundation Center of Excellence, Children's Health℠ offers leading tools, expertise and techniques to treat pancreatic insufficiency in children. Our experts will help your child avoid the complications that this condition can cause.

We’ll also make every effort to educate you and your child about pancreatic insufficiency and your child’s treatment plan. That way, we can all work together to offer your child the best care possible, both at home and in the clinic.

What is Pediatric Pancreatic Insufficiency?

When a child’s pancreas does not make enough enzymes, it’s called exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) or pancreatic insufficiency. Enzymes are important proteins that help regulate how cells work.

Your child needs a specific type of enzyme, called digestive enzymes, to digest food, absorb nutrients and grow. Since children with EPI do not have enough of these vital enzymes, they might struggle to gain weight or maintain a healthy weight for their age.

Pancreatic insufficiency is not common in children. However, it is the most common nutrition-related complications associated with cystic fibrosis.

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