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Pediatric Spina Bifida

Children's Health℠, rehabilitation physicians and therapists improve the lives of children with spina bifida every day. We work with Children’s Health urologists, neurosurgeons and other specialists to address all aspects of your child’s care. We help with medication management and help your child access all the therapy and equipment they need to move through the world as seamlessly as possible.

We’re one of very few hospitals in the country that performs surgery on babies in the womb to treat more severe types of spina bifida as early as possible. We understand that no two children are alike. We’ll work with your family to create a care plan tailored to your child’s needs.

We care for children from birth throughout childhood and adolescence, and our Spina Bifida Adult Transitions Clinic provides care for people ages 18 to 26. The clinic’s urologist, rehabilitation specialist, social worker and nurse help your child transition from pediatric to adult care.

What is Pediatric Spina Bifida?

Pediatric spina bifida is a congenital (present at birth) condition in which a child’s spinal column and spinal cord do not develop properly. In spina bifida, the spine bones do not completely close, leaving an opening that exposes the spinal cord, nerves, tissue and spinal fluid. Spina bifida can affect your child’s ability to move and function.

Scientific advances over the past several decades have improved care of spina bifida, and many of the more severe side effects of spina bifida are now rare. Although the severity of spina bifida varies from child to child, almost all children with this condition live full, fruitful lives.

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