Four siblings with T1D, one care team there for them all
Jessi's first trip to Children’s HealthSM was in an ambulance with her then 13-month-old son, Abdulhadi. That's when she learned he was experiencing a life-threatening complication of type 1 diabetes (T1D) called diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA).
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Rob's story: Former patient makes T1D advocacy his life’s work
At age 35, Rob, who lives with type 1 diabetes (T1D), still sees himself as a Children’s Health℠ patient. He credits Children’s Health as one of the most essential players in the success of his health.
Read more about Rob's story: Former patient makes T1D advocacy his life's work
Preparing your teen with T1D for life after high school
Graduating high school is a major milestone for all teens. Whether they plan to go to college in the fall, enroll in a technical program or embark upon a career, it’s a time of significant change and transitions.
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Teamwork and Technology Help Eli Stay Healthy With Type 1 Diabetes
Emily will never forget one hectic day in 2018: It started with taking her younger sons to urgent care for a rash and an earache. It ended at Children's Health℠ Emergency Department with a life-changing diagnosis for her oldest son, Eli.
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A dedicated athlete doesn’t let diabetes define him
Anthony has always been an active child. He's played a variety of sports since he was 4 years old and never had any major medical concerns growing up. So when he started losing weight shortly before his 11th birthday, his parents, Laura and Raul, became concerned.
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Megan adjusts to life with diabetes with support from her big brother
Megan has always been an active child. She has played sports since she was 5 years old and can often be found hanging out with friends or playing outside. So when her parents, Brian and Joy, noticed that she wasn't acting like her typical self a few months before her 11th birthday, they started to worry something was wrong.
Read more about Megan adjusts to life with diabetes with support from her big brother
Expert care and technology help a young girl manage type 1 diabetes
When Susanna was 5 years old, she started having regular accidents, even though she had been potty-trained since she was a toddler. At first, her parents thought the accidents may just stem from behavioral issues. But when Susanna began drinking an unusual amount of water and losing weight, her family began to suspect something more serious was going on.
Read more about Expert care and technology help a young girl manage type 1 diabetes
An athlete pursues her dreams – and manages her diabetes – with support from Children's Health
For nearly a decade, Whitney has made a name for herself on the basketball court. Between AAU leagues in the summer and her high school team during the school year, she has lost track of the hours spent on defensive drills, ball handling and perfecting her jump shot.
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A dance with type 1 diabetes
Lily spends every moment she can dancing with her studio. From hip hop to ballroom to tap, she competes in all types of dance. She's been a junior Texas Legends dancer, a mini Dallas Cowboy cheerleader and has placed in the top 10 of solo competitions.
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Brothers share a common bond and condition
Brothers Rex and Charlie have a lot in common: They both love sports, they both do well in school and they both are managing a chronic condition with the support of their family and the experts in the diabetes program at Children's Health.
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A boy, and his dog, live every day to the fullest
Easton was 4 years old when he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. It was a day his mother, Lexie, will never forget. "He had been feeling off for the last few months – always hungry, constantly thirsty and several nighttime accidents," she says. "We just figured he was going through a growth spurt."
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Aidan finds answers and care for type 1 diabetes at Children's Health
In the summer of 2018, 10-year-old Aidan began experiencing stomach pain on a regular basis. After several weeks, his aunt, Makaila, was concerned that his symptoms were getting worse. After a particularly difficult evening, she brought him to the emergency room in Texarkana in search of answers.
Read more about Aidan finds answers and care for type 1 diabetes at Children's Health
Nadia doesn't let diabetes dull her sparkle
When Nadia was just 3 years old, her mom, Natalie, brought her to the doctor, suspecting she may have a urinary tract infection. The doctor agreed and prescribed antibiotics, but when the family returned a week later for a follow up appointment, a urinalysis revealed there was glucose present. An additional blood test determined that Nadia's A1C level, or average blood sugar level, was elevated to 9%. The normal range is 4.6 – 6.0%.
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A young athlete achieves her goal of managing type 1 diabetes on and off the field
Journey has a smile that can light up a room and a fierce determination on the soccer field. A dedicated student, artist and athlete, you might never guess that among everything else, she is managing a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes.
Read more about A young athlete achieves her goal of managing type 1 diabetes on and off the field