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Pediatric Thalassemia

Thalassemia is a blood disease where the body doesn’t make enough hemoglobin, a protein that helps carry oxygen through the body. Parents from across Texas bring their kids to Children’s Health for expert thalassemia care. Our patients have access to innovative treatments and a leading blood banking program that gives kids safe access to transfusions. We’re one of only a handful of programs designated as a center of excellence through the Cooley's Anemia Foundation, underscoring our ability to provide leading care for kids with blood disorders.

What is Pediatric Thalassemia?

Thalassemia is a genetic blood disorder where proteins that form hemoglobin don’t work properly. Hemoglobin is an essential part of red blood cells, which transport oxygen through the body. Thalassemia causes the body to not make enough hemoglobin, leading to anemia that causes pallor, fatigue and stunted growth. In it’s most severe forms, thalassemia can cause bone pain, skeletal deformities and a swollen abdomen. Kids with thalassemia may need blood transfusions to give their body healthy hemoglobin to support their growth and development.

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