Fax: 214-456-2230
Fax: 469-497-2507
Adolescent Trichomoniasis (tricho·mo·ni·a·sis), also known as trich (pronounced "trick"), is a common sexually transmitted infection (STI) that impacts both males and females.
If your teenager is sexually active, they may be at risk of contracting trichomoniasis, a common sexually transmitted infection (STI). Trichomoniasis is caused by a parasite called trichomonas vaginalis. The parasite is carried in sexual fluids and can be passed to and from both males and females.
Many times, a person with trichomoniasis does not have any symptoms. Even if a person does not have any symptoms, they can still pass the infection to others. When trichomoniasis does cause symptoms, they may range from mild to severe.
Female symptoms
Male symptoms
Typically, a pelvic exam is performed in the office where a swab of the vaginal secretions can be cultured and/or looked at under a microscope.
Trichomoniasis is caused by a protozoan parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis that is found in or near a woman’s vagina and in a male’s penis. It is spread through sexual contact from penis to vagina, vagina to penis, or vagina to vagina. It doesn’t normally infect areas like the anus, hands or mouth.
Trichomonas is treated with oral medication that your doctor can prescribe.