Immunizations and lab services for internationally adopted children
What can I expect with immunizations and lab services for internationally adopted children?
U.S. studies indicate that about 65% of internationally adopted children have no written records of immunizations, and in cases where records exist they are often only partially complete.
Also, immunization intervals and vaccine strengths are not the same in all countries. For these reasons, and because infectious diseases are unfortunately common in internationally adopted children, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommend that newly adopted children be fully vaccinated. Vaccines commonly omitted from foreign vaccination programs include those for Haemophilus influenzae type b, hepatitis B, varicella, and measles, mumps, and rubella.
Immunizations and TB skin testing
We recommend to either start over with a new series of immunizations in accordance with standards recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics, or to have specific titers measured that will guide catch-up. Recommendations will be made to your primary pediatrician which allow him or her to administer the needed immunizations along with a tuberculosis (TB) skin test.
Laboratory work-Up
A number of lab tests will be performed during your child's first visit. This is considered the standard of care for internationally adopted children who are generally at greater risk for a variety of medical and infectious diseases.
Children from Korea, Guatemala or Taiwan might require fewer initial screening tests. Until you have results of the lab test be cautious about hand washing and hold off on sharing baths to prevent the spread of intestinal parasites.
Blood work
Newborn Screening Panel (young infants only)
Complete blood count (CBD) and iron profile
HIV Antibody, Hepatitis B panel, Hepatitis C panel (all on arrival and 6 months later)
Serologic testing for syphilis
Thyroid function tests
Lead level
Calcium, phosphorous and alkaline phosphatase levels
Hemoglobin electrophoresis (at times )
Stool tests
Stool examination for ova and parasites, 3 preserved specimens
Stool examination for Giardia antigen and Cryptosporidium antigen, one fresh specimen
Dietary recommendations
Because internationally adopted children often arrive with nutritional deficiencies, we make recommendations regarding the use of infant or toddler formulas and multivitamins based on your child's age and specific background.