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Pediatric Chorea

Chorea is a movement disorder. It causes random wiggly, flowing movements that can look like children are restless or fidgety. Children with chorea can’t stay still, even if they don’t feel restless. Specialists at Children’s Health have extensive training in pediatric movement disorders, including chorea. We recognize what type of chorea your child has and design a treatment plan that is tailored to your child.

What is Pediatric Chorea?

Chorea causes random, involuntary muscle activity. The movements are often described as dance-like because they seem to flow across the body, from one muscle to the next. These movements can be small or large. They may affect the same body area, but each time they look a bit different. Chorea can affect any muscle in the body and usually affects many muscles. It can involve a child’s limbs, their facial movements, posture, speech, and ability to swallow and walk.

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