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Pediatric Hemorrhagic Stroke

A hemorrhagic stroke is bleeding in the brain that results from a burst blood vessel. Strokes are rare in children, but when they happen, immediate medical attention is critical.

Our dedicated pediatric team offers 24/7 specialized care for children experiencing a hemorrhagic stroke. We provide fast evaluations to identify if and why a stroke happened, and we work quickly to stop the bleeding. Our rapid, expert care reduces the risk of long-term problems to help your child live their fullest possible life.

What is a Pediatric Hemorrhagic Stroke?

A hemorrhagic stroke happens when a blood vessel in the brain bursts and floods the area with blood. The bleeding creates pressure on nearby brain tissue.

A hemorrhagic stroke and the pressure it causes disrupt blood flow in that area of the brain. The lack of blood flow prevents the tissue from receiving enough oxygen, which can damage that area of your child’s brain.

Strokes can happen to children at any age, even before birth. Emergency treatment helps reduce the risk of long-term effects from a stroke. However, children may have a better chance at a full recovery than adults do.

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